Russian wedding rituals

In Russia’s distant past the ransom of the bride was a true folk theater performance full of national color. The bride’s family would block the road several times during the groom’s trip to the bride’s house. They would not let him pass until he demonstrated some of his talents. He could be tested on strength, intelligence and various other skills. For example, he could be asked to saw a log that is blocking the road or solve a riddle proposed by the bride’s family. If he failed any part of the test, he had to pay with coins or candies.

In modern-day Russia this ritual is usually performed on the way to the ZAGS department or on the groom’s trip to the bride’s house. The “setting up” of the ransom is conducted by the bridesmaid and the best man (called “witnesses” or svideteli). Today this custom is comprised of funny challenges for the groom, such as composing a poem for the bride, writing her name in rose petals, etc. Although this custom is light-hearted and fun, in certain Russian provinces a ransom literally means a ransom and occasionally passing by babushkas may block the road until the groom pays to pass through.

Wedding Loaf (Karavay)

The tradition of sharing a wedding loaf was borrowed from the ancient Romans. In addition to being a symbol of health and prosperity, karavay is also a way to find out who will be the head of the family. This is done by having the newlyweds each take a bit, without using their hands. Whoever takes the largest bite is considered to be the head of family. This tradition can be coupled with a champagne toast and the subsequent breaking of the glasses, which is considered good luck.


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